Thursday, October 6, 2011

MY Photo Passion Reconizing Your Eye # 4

1. I found it hard to just select my inspiration file... do I chose by clairity of picture, Subject, on & on. However I did get several picked.
2. Themes- Well I already knew I was very drawn to water elements and nature in general no matter where I am.
2 b,c,d -As for Light & composition & elements of design, Well I am sure I fall short on all of those, but that is why I am taking these types of courses to learn more about it. Up until now I have taken pictures for the pure love of what I see. The more untouched it is the better.
2 e- AS for color I am big on BLING in my pictures... absolutly LOVE Colors. My daughter now 27, still crenghes when she thinks of the some of the colors I dressed her up in the 80's.
2 f-  I love being known as someone that is always happy and not afraid to be herself... that includes my wild colors too. Pictures, Decorating.
3. I know that I want to capture as much Nature as I can, even as a child I have feared growth and destruction on so many nature places and so afraid they would n't be there for my kids and grandkidos.

1- sunrise is right out my front door in Rockport Tx,
2- Azelias in someones yard in Fulton Tx,
3- Blanco State Park in Blanco Tx,
4 & 5 - were in Colorado last year.
6 Is for the pride that I have for all the freedoms we have here in America.

Wednesday, October 5, 2011

My Photo Passion -Familar Subject Photo Shoot # 3

Yeahee me, I was concerned - what was I going to take  50 pictures of... but I listened to my intitution and asked hubby to take me to the park behind the airport in Fulton Tx. I wasn't even set up when this Bird flew by and as if to say... here I am.  The Bird is that Little white dot way in the back before the marsh grass.
1. It wasn't any supprise to find myself going to the water for my subject.
2. As I took the 50 pictures I did try differnt settings, zoomed, sport setting, bright sun/beach pictures etc. Most people would rather take pictures by them selves... well I am the opposite I feel calmer and safe to concentrate on my picture taking when I know my wonderful hubby is near by. He always has my back.
3. The Bird in Flight & catching the Fish were my 2 prize pictures that I am so proud of. Pure Joy at being able to catch these moments.
4. I currently don't have any editing software and have never tried to edit them.
5. Excited would would be understatement.
6. I enjoyed listening to my intitution for my intention. Don't think I would change a thing. Can't really explain how much additional confidence this exersise gave me.
Thank you Kat and everyone else for the vote of confidence.

Monday, October 3, 2011

my photo Passion Inspiration Lesson # 2

We were suppose to resist Photo journaling about this lesson.. But I couldn't. I did enjoy this process which confirmed that I must be a fish out of water so to speak... I don't typically take people all about nature for me, at least up to this point. I became acutely aware that I strive to get a water element in as many of them as I can, Sky & clouds over water, ponds, trees, lakes even birds. I have always needed to be near a water element for as far back as I can remember. My 1st trip to New Mexico, I felt lost until I finally came accross a stream up in Redriver. this Gal needs her H20, alted or unsalted, frozen or running.

Tuesday, September 27, 2011

My Photo Passion Journal Journey part 1

I am so excited to finally  futher my knowledge about photography.  I want to  acknowlege  that I have been blessed with the most supporting Friends and Family a person could ask for. I have literally wondered through this life going " what am I here for" "what am I suppose to be doing and on and on." I have dabbled in many arts and crafts and lose interest after a while...when I reflect back I to the very 1st digital Camera I owned (the kind that you had to put a cd in) I fell in love with the ease of taking pictures and being able to share them instantly. I love instant results in just about any project that I take on. Over the years I have continued to enjoy taking pictures and sharing, thus I am persuing my digital picture passion.

As I continue to blog on Wishcasting Wednesdays  with Jamie I have met some awsome artists of all sorts. I was finally able to realize that photography is also an art, and one has to have an eye for it.  Ginnys comments on wanting to learn more but not sure which direction to go so resenated with me. After emailing several times back and forth, she encouraged me to take this class and we decided we take this path together if it was meant to be. Turns out it was to be. Kat has been awsome about getting me set up for this part of my journey. We are to create our photo Journal online and write about a image that speaks to us. I had taken this picture back in January up around the Kerrville Texas area. It captures so very much of my life. Storms that I have been through and the Calm waters of my life now. The roots remind me of endurning strength to carry on and be strong in lifes storms. I had more comments on this piture than the blog it's self. That was the moment I realized that I wanted to learn and do more with my picture taking passion.
I encourge you to visit Kats blog and see if the classes are for you as well.

Monday, September 12, 2011

Refections of the weekend

Good Monday Morning to you all. I just wanted to share some amazing moments that I caught this weekend here in Rockport,Texas. Hubby and I went to the Beach so that I could try to capture the feeling of the sunrises for the past couple ofweeks. The beautiful colors are actually because of all the auful smoke from the fires of BastropTx. So this was my attempt to find something beautiful out of something so devisting and sad. 

As Sunday Evening came to a close hubby set up my tripod on the porch in hopes that I could grab a few shots of the beautiful full harvest moon. 
So many of us take for granted what we have in our very own back yards.. I see pictures like this and it only reaffirms how lucky and blessed we are to  have the freedoms to enjoy such events and share them with each other.  

Wednesday, August 3, 2011

Squirrels are just plain Fun to watch

I continue to learn how resourceful and fun these critters can be. They have such a cute way of acquiring what they want. In a way I believe have learned more about perseverance and ingenuity from these fellows than I have anything else.
Last Friday as we thought we might be getting "TS Don" our squirrels were out of sight all day, not one came out to play, eat or drink. Not until about sundown did they come out...which happen to be the same time that TEXAS vacuumed Don plum away with our dry heat.

Wednesday, July 27, 2011

The Buzz in Texas is rain maybe on its way???

So many people are sure needing the rain here in Texas. So as we watch for the potential  and Possible Mr. Don to strengthen hopes and prayers are rising here along the coast. One of my goals with this blog will be to try to notice things in our area and in nature that might give some insight to systems coming to our area.  Unknowingling this morning I took a picture of our Clouds as I entered Corpus this morning.. They appeared to be just a bit different this morning than previous mornings along the bayfront. So we shall start there.  If this storm does become Don and he makes his way towards Texas, I will share pictures and any information that just might give us clues via nature.
I welcome anyone who would like to share with me  stories that maybe an old farmer told you or your grandparents, about when a storm might be coming or other helpful "hints" or things to look for. Maybe certian animals act differently etc. I would love to be able to back up and have evidence that Nature does show us if we will just listen or watch.

Wednesday, July 20, 2011

Snap Dragons in July

Box Garden Rockport Texas
Just wanted to take a moment and share that as we are well into our 90+ temps here in Texas I still have some of my snap dragons blooming in July. I have always pulled them out when they started looking lanky but this year I promised to feed and water faithfuly to see how long they could last and they continue to bloom.

Tuesday, July 12, 2011

sage blooming

Hello to all,
Today I share my picture of the sage bush blooming. I have been told for many years that when it blooms- rain is just around the corner. So as I post this I send my wish of rain out into the universe for the great state of Texas and our nation to recieve some very much needed rain.